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Why Honors?

SuperStudio presentations in the HCS.
SuperStudio students giving end-of-semester presentations in the Honors College Studio, showcasing the things they have been working on throughout the course.

As both workers and citizens, 21st century university graduates will need to combine the rigors of disciplinary knowledge with a capacity for diverse collaborations. They will need to value and employ diverse ways of seeing and understanding, be able to synthesize knowledge across seemingly disparate contexts, and create new knowledge in transdisciplinary teams. This is what we aim for at the Virginia Tech Honors College; our programs are tailored to equip students with these skills by emphasizing opportunities for collaborative discovery and experiential learning.

 A Virginia Tech Honors College education can significantly amplify the undergraduate experience. Successful Honors College students are highly motivated, are intentional about choosing the approach to their honors education that is right for them and take initiative to pursue Honors opportunities and resources. Graduating with an Honors distinction is an extraordinary academic and professional credential.



If you're trying to make a decision about joining the Honors College, check out the Honors Opportunities listed on this page. Below is more information about the Honors College community and culture that will help you decide.


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